Tuesday, 7 October 2014

The IT crowd

The IT crowd is a British Sit-Com (Situation Comedy). The main conventions to a Sit-Com include; canned laughter (when there is a audience's laugh when something happens, however, usually there won't be an actual audience). It also means that the majority of the series is filmed in the same location (room or building). The characters are also the same in every episode and the audience won't get to know about the character's past/future. Like most Sit-Com's each episode is 30 minutes long with a break 15 minutes through. Character's are also very stereotypical, for example there will often be a more confident character, a 'geek' or 'nerd' and then a more normal character trying to do what is right. And finally, there is often an ending that is significant to the rest of the episode.

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